Developer: Alex Mapbox clustered post view template - Naturvernforbundet cataloguemapmapboxsearch Two column content flow template - Haavind layout Double portrait image slider block - Haavind galleryslideshow Slideshow with static text block - Haavind slideshow Alphabetical faceted archive template - Haavind archivePeoplet2 T2 archive template - Haavind featuredContentt2 Image downloads block - Braekhus downloadfilesgalleryimage Calendar widget block - Naturvernforbundet calendarevent Subsite navigator template - Hoyre focustrapmultisitenavigationoverlay Forms with endpoint to Superoffice and Helthjem block - Hellvikhus apicustom endpointdynamic layoutformintegrationjsreact Event gf signup and google calendar block - Civita calendareventheroregistration Membership registration react app template - Hoyre headlessPaymentreactregistration InnerBlock slider block - Facebook innerBlocksquoteslideshowtestimonials Beats storytelling block - Facebook animationscrollscrollmagic.jsstorysvg Link list banner block - Finansforbundet bannerlinksnavigation Testimonial slideshow block - Finansforbundet quotereelslideshowtestimonials Testimonials + logos block - Promon logoreelrepeatertestimonials React contact form template - Insignia formmaterialUIreact ActiveCampaign form integration extension - Insignia activecampaignemailformintegration TOC sidebar template - Civita postsidebartable of contentstoc Video with loop cover block - Insignia covervideoyoutube Animated cover block - Insignia animationcoverscrollshowcase Tabbed cover block - Insignia coverrepeatertabs CPT multi-byline block - Braekhus bylinepostpickert2 vCard template - Braekhus jsscriptvcard Link list banner block - Apeland innerBlockslinksnavigationshortcutst2 Faceted mega archive template - Civita archivefacetWPfilterssearch integration extension - Insignia adsfinnintegration Product guide phone app extension - Dyrevernalliansen androidappiosreactreact native My page PWA template - KNA headlessPWAreact Teft cards scroll block - KNA cardsscrollslideshowTeft Wiki template - Finansforbundet archivenavigationpackageposttypewiki Membership registration template - KNA membershipPaymentreactStripe Timeline block - Hoyre innerBlocksrepeaterstep-by-stepTefttimeline Step-by-step block - Finansforbundet innerBlocksrepeaterstep-by-step Product guide template - Dyrevernalliansen acfarchivefiltersreactreft